logo masa Israel journey

in conjunction with MASA Israel Journey

terms & conditions

Cost of Program



1. The person responsible for payment is personally responsible for payment regardless of whether the student receives any kind of funding or subsidy.

2. Payment for 10 month Masa program is $9,600. Masa grants are based on submitting financial documents of the parents or the student within the timeframe set forth by Masa and dependent on available budget.

3. If your Masa grant does not completely cover the tuition, you are responsible to cover the rest of the tuition. You may request a waiver for the rest of the tuition in writing. Compuskills/Mesilot does not guarantee the waiver of the rest of the tuition; however, Compuskills/Mesilot often gives this waiver to students in good standing.

4. Payment of the total due must be made before the program begins: Registration fee is non-refundable and non- transferrable. Students paying with foreign currency must pay the percentage and/or fees necessary to exchange the money. Additionally if the shekel drops, price adjustments may need to be made at the end of the course.

5. Any tuition or fees that are not covered by MASA must be paid directly to Compuskills/Mesilot before the start of the program.

6. The student will give Compuskills/Mesilot a deposit for the total cost of the program. This can be an Israeli check or credit card number which will be used in the event that the student loses full or partial MASA funding for any reason. The student hereby commits that she will not stop payment on the security check or on the credit card payment.


7. If the student’s check bounces, the person responsible for payment will be charged a $70 bounce fee for foreign checks and 50 NIS fee for Israeli check. In addition, he/she must pay the entire balance of tuition within seven days.

8. Students enrolled in the MASA program are awarded a significant grant for their participation in the program. It is the student’s responsibility to submit all documents necessary to be awarded the maximum grant. If a student withdraws before the end of the program, the school will lose the student’s grant money. Therefore, the student may not withdraw from the program. In the event that the student withdraws from the program, she will be liable to pay the school the amount of grant that was lost.

9. In the event that the teacher determines that the student is not suitable to a course, Compuskills/Mesilot reserves the right to withdraw the student from the course and/or switch her into another course.

10. Compuskills/Mesilot does not guarantee that the times and dates of the course will be as planned; scheduling changes may be made before or during the course.

11. Compuskills/Mesilot does not take responsibility for changes in policy of organizations and government office. Participation in the course does not guarantee a certificate upon completion of the course.

12. Payment must be fully completed in order for a student to receive a certificate.

13. Supplies provided for courses are the possession of Compuskills/Mesilot until all financial obligations are met.


Health Insurance:

1. The student will follow the law at all times.

2. The student will follow all safety rules from the Ministry of Education during trips and at all times. Including but not limited to:

  • Being careful to stay adequately hydrated.
  • Staying with the group during trips and not wandering off alone.
  • Following all safety rules when swimming.
  • Taxis may only be taken through taxi companies that are registered and recognized in Israel. It is absolutely prohibited to take a taxi that does not have an Israeli license plate.
  • It is prohibited to hitchhike.
  • It is prohibited to drive a host family’s vehicle.
  • It is prohibited to rent a vehicle from a non-Israeli car rental company. Car rental is only allowed with prior consent.
  • You are forbidden to go into the area B and C (Palestinian Authority and Gaza).


1. The student is responsible to pay for and maintain health insurance starting from the moment she leaves her country of origin until the time she returns. The student must obtain a legally signed confirmation from the insurance company and give this in to Compuskills / Mesilot. Students may get their own insurance or request help from Compuskills/Mesilot to arrange this. The insurance will cover the following:

  • Cost of evacuation to a hospital
  • Expenses for hospitalization including payments for care by a physician, surgery, intensive care, ambulatory care, tests, x-rays, and drugs during hospitalization
  • Medical expenses not during hospitalization and which a certified physician has determined to be necessary, including payment for a physician’s care, tests, X-rays and drugs according to the prescription of a physician or a recognized medical institution.
  • Dental care in the case of an emergency or accident.
  • Transport of the participant’s body overseas if he dies in Israel.


MASA Activities, Trips and Ulpan:

1. The student must obtain a valid student visa within 30 days of the program start date.

2. The passport and visa must be valid for the entire duration of the program. The student may not make Aliyah nor change the visa status during the 10 month MASA program.


1. Attendance to MASA activities and trips is compulsory throughout the duration of the program.

2. The student must attend Hebrew Ulpan classes as per the schedule given for the program.


1. The student may not be absent from the program for more than 30 days (excluding Shabbos, Yom Tov and Erev Shabbos and Yom Tov). Exceeding this allowance will result in partial loss of MASA funding and the student will be responsible to pay the amount lost from the grant.



2. If the student wishes to leave Israel during the program she must let us know in advance her exit and entry dates to Israel and her contact details abroad.

Your signature on this agreement shall constitute your signature on an arbitration agreement in accordance with the Arbitration Law.
In the event of any disagreement, all matters will be decided at the Beit Din L’inyanei Mamanus of Har Nof (Harav Henoch Friedman). Any matter of disagreement is considered null and void if Compuskills/Mesilot does not receive a written complaint by the end of the course.
I certify that the above information is correct. I agree to the terms of this contract agreement, and I acknowledge the fact that disregard for the rules at Compuskills/Mesilot, anti-social behavior and/or noncompliance with the law may be cause for immediate dismissal from the program, with no refunds given.
By signing this document, I affirm that I plan to join the Compuskills program in its entirety. I acknowledge that I will be an active member of the program in its entirety. If despite this commitment I drop out or otherwise lose grant money, I agree to make up the lost money within seven days of losing the money.